Breakfast Club and Afterschool Care


Booking Forms Afterschool Care / Breakfast Club


Breakfast Club at Kilham School

At Kilham Primary School we aim to remove every possible barrier to learning so that every child can reach their full potential. The aim of the Breakfast Club is to support our families by offering quality and accessible care.  We aim to provide an affordable facility that offers a nutritious breakfast together with a range of engaging play and more structured activities.


Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is a before school provision that runs in the Main Hall from 7.30am – 8.45am.

At 8.45am the children join the rest of the pupils in their class.

A place at Breakfast Club may be booked by completing the booking form at the bottom of this page. You may book a full week or individual days, to meet your child’s needs.  If a place has not been booked in advance we cannot guarantee that a child will be able to attend.  If you book a place and no longer require it, please let us know so we can offer it to someone else. 


Breakfast Club costs £3.50 if you arrive between 7.30 and 8.00am and then from 8.00 it is a charge of £3.00 a day. Payment is due at the end of the week, payable via Parent Pay.

Children must be bought to Breakfast Club by parents who access the school via the main school reception, children should then go straight into the hall with coats and bags.

The menu shown is an example of what may be on offer for breakfast, however it is subject to change and if there is a healthy breakfast option your child particularly enjoys please let us know and we will try to incorporate it.



 Breakfast Menu 

                  • Variety of healthy cereals – weetabix
                  • Toast & Jam
                  • Yoghurt
                  • Fruit
                  • Drinks  




We have allergen information available for all items served.  Please speak to a member of staff if you require details or have any concerns.



Breakfast club is much more than just breakfast!



Breakfast club policy

Breakfast Club Policy 2024.doc .doc

Afterschool Care

We also offer an Afterschool Care, for all children in Reception to Year 6, to extend the out-of-school support we offer to parents and carers. This is in addition to the fabulous After School Clubs we already provide such as gym, football and craft, so children may attend both or either on any one evening between Monday and Friday each week of the school term. One of our current team will be running the Afterschool Care so children will be familiar with them, with times of attendance and charging options available to help those who want an extra half hour of school care as well as those who require longer.

We will provide children staying for a longer period with a drink and a snack but you will need to provide them with a meal once you return home.


Monday to Friday
3.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Charging Periods

From 3.30pm to  4.30pm - cost £3.00

From 3.30pm to 5.30pm - cost £5.00

Activities to be included during the week will include time for homework, reading and computer work as well as other directed activities such as craft and games with time both indoors and outdoors depending on the weather.  To book a place please contact the school office. Termly booking forms are available from the office and will be sent home for completion too.