Please find below all of the policies for each curriculum subject, the policy explains our curriculum rational, purpose and aims, wider curriculum links and how the subject is assessed and the role of the curriculum subject leader. The curriculum is all the planned activities that we as a school organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of extra-curricular activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experiences of our children. It also includes the ‘hidden curriculum’, or what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We aim to teach children through our Christian vision:


Our Christian Vision is:


That every member of this school community feels respected and valued and has the courage to set aspirational goals for themselves and their future.


 With a love of learning and a resilient and persevering attitude, our community will be able to celebrate and embrace the differences that the wider world offers. In time all of our children will be confident to explore life with an open mind; this will support them to flourish in the modern world and reach their full potential as a member of their community.


   We live our vision through the Christian Values of:

   Perseverance, trust, service, respect, courage and thankfulness.


We value our school ethos of:

   Learning, Caring and Friendship


We encourage one another to learn.

We encourage one another to care.

We encourage one another to build lasting friendships.

Subject Policies 2024

Kilham music-policy- Sept 2024.pdf .pdf
Kilham-science-policy-Sept 2023.pdf .pdf
Kilham dt-policy-updated Sept 2023.pdf .pdf
kilham geography policy 2024 updated.pdf .pdf
Kilham history-policy Sept 2023.doc.pdf .pdf
Kilham art policy Sept 2023.pdf .pdf
Kilham English Policy Sept 2023.doc.pdf .pdf
Kilham pshe-policy-september-2023.pdf .pdf
Kilham RE Policy 2025.pdf .pdf
Kilham -Computing-Policy March 2024.pdf .pdf