
E-Safety at Kilham School


The purpose of this page is to give parents information about E-Safety.


A definition of E-Safety:

E-safety can be defined as being safe from risks to personal safety and wellbeing when using technology, including all fixed and mobile devices that allow access to the internet as well as those that are used to communicate electronically. This includes personal computers, laptops, mobile phones and gaming consoles.


The E-Safety Coordinator at Kilham CE Primary is Mr R Palmer, who can be contacted through the school office. Keeping our children safe on the internet and while using technology is a priority for our school. Elements of E-Safety are built into ICT lessons where opportunities arise, and there are several specific E-Safety ICT lessons which take place each term for all classes. To guide our teachers in this process, we use a scheme of work called Teach Computing, which includes specific E-Safety content. The children at Kilham Church of England Primary School are also taught E Safety as part of their Jigsaw PSHE unit Relationships


Our E-Safety Policy and updated 'Acceptable Use Policy' for pupils and staff are updated within school and available to view if required.


If you have any questions or issues regarding E-Safety please contact school.

A good starting point for parents and teachers is the Internet Matters website.


Below are the on-line safety tips for different ages of primary school age children.


Online safety tips for parents of pre-school children (0 to 5 year olds)

Online safety tips for parents of primary school children (6 to 10 years)

Online safety tips for parents of children aged 11-13

What is cyberbullying?


Cyberbullying is the use of technologies by an individual or by a group of people to deliberately and repeatedly upset someone else.

Cyberbullying can consist of threats, harassment, embarrassment, humiliation, defamation or impersonation.

Cyberbullying may take the form of general insults, or prejudice-based bullying including hate crimes, for example homophobia, racism, sexism or other forms of discrimination.

There have been cases of school employees being cyberbullied by current or ex-pupils, parents and carers, and by colleagues, as well as by people who attempt to remain anonymous.

 There are reported cases of cyberbullying involving a wide range of technologies and services, including social networking sites, apps, email, instant messaging (IM),learning environments, games and by mobile phone.


All school staff  are aware of the different forms that cyberbullying can take, and the specific characteristics of cyberbullying?

The school will share a clear understanding of what cyberbullying is, and why it is not acceptable?

The school will support all staff in their duty to understand, prevent and respond to cyberbullying through policy, procedures, and regular training and development opportunities?

The school is familiar with the key laws and statutory guidance which relate to cyberbullying?

The school will effectively address the range of issues relating to bias and prejudice?

All incidents of cyberbullying will be investigated by the school SLT.

E safety policy.

Teaching_online_safety_in_school.pdf .pdf
E-Safety Policy October 2024.doc .doc

Computing Policy

Kilham_Computing_Policy.pdf .pdf

E-Safety at Kilham School


The purpose of this page is to give parents information about E-Safety.


A definition of E-Safety:

E-safety can be defined as being safe from risks to personal safety and wellbeing when using technology, including all fixed and mobile devices that allow access to the internet as well as those that are used to communicate electronically. This includes personal computers, laptops, mobile phones and gaming consoles.


The E-Safety Coordinator at Kilham CE Primary is Mr R Palmer, who can be contacted through the school office. Keeping our children safe on the internet and while using technology is a priority for our school. Elements of E-Safety are built into ICT lessons where opportunities arise, and there are several specific E-Safety ICT lessons which take place each term for all classes. To guide our teachers in this process, we use a scheme of work called Teach Computing, which includes specific E-Safety content. The children at Kilham Church of England Primary School are also taught E Safety as part of their Jigsaw PSHE unit Relationships


Our E-Safety Policy and updated 'Acceptable Use Policy' for pupils and staff are updated within school and available to view if required.


If you have any questions or issues regarding E-Safety please contact school.

A good starting point for parents and teachers is the Internet Matters website.


Below are the on-line safety tips for different ages of primary school age children.


Online safety tips for parents of pre-school children (0 to 5 year olds)

Online safety tips for parents of primary school children (6 to 10 years)

Online safety tips for parents of children aged 11-13

What is cyberbullying?


Cyberbullying is the use of technologies by an individual or by a group of people to deliberately and repeatedly upset someone else.

Cyberbullying can consist of threats, harassment, embarrassment, humiliation, defamation or impersonation.

Cyberbullying may take the form of general insults, or prejudice-based bullying including hate crimes, for example homophobia, racism, sexism or other forms of discrimination.

There have been cases of school employees being cyberbullied by current or ex-pupils, parents and carers, and by colleagues, as well as by people who attempt to remain anonymous.

 There are reported cases of cyberbullying involving a wide range of technologies and services, including social networking sites, apps, email, instant messaging (IM),learning environments, games and by mobile phone.


All school staff  are aware of the different forms that cyberbullying can take, and the specific characteristics of cyberbullying?

The school will share a clear understanding of what cyberbullying is, and why it is not acceptable?

The school will support all staff in their duty to understand, prevent and respond to cyberbullying through policy, procedures, and regular training and development opportunities?

The school is familiar with the key laws and statutory guidance which relate to cyberbullying?

The school will effectively address the range of issues relating to bias and prejudice?

All incidents of cyberbullying will be investigated by the school SLT.

E safety policy.

Teaching_online_safety_in_school.pdf .pdf
E-Safety Policy October 2024.doc .doc

Computing Policy

Kilham_Computing_Policy.pdf .pdf

E-Safety at Kilham School


The purpose of this page is to give parents information about E-Safety.


A definition of E-Safety:

E-safety can be defined as being safe from risks to personal safety and wellbeing when using technology, including all fixed and mobile devices that allow access to the internet as well as those that are used to communicate electronically. This includes personal computers, laptops, mobile phones and gaming consoles.


The E-Safety Coordinator at Kilham CE Primary is Mr R Palmer, who can be contacted through the school office. Keeping our children safe on the internet and while using technology is a priority for our school. Elements of E-Safety are built into ICT lessons where opportunities arise, and there are several specific E-Safety ICT lessons which take place each term for all classes. To guide our teachers in this process, we use a scheme of work called Teach Computing, which includes specific E-Safety content. The children at Kilham Church of England Primary School are also taught E Safety as part of their Jigsaw PSHE unit Relationships


Our E-Safety Policy and updated 'Acceptable Use Policy' for pupils and staff are updated within school and available to view if required.


If you have any questions or issues regarding E-Safety please contact school.

A good starting point for parents and teachers is the Internet Matters website.


Below are the on-line safety tips for different ages of primary school age children.


Online safety tips for parents of pre-school children (0 to 5 year olds)

Online safety tips for parents of primary school children (6 to 10 years)

Online safety tips for parents of children aged 11-13

What is cyberbullying?


Cyberbullying is the use of technologies by an individual or by a group of people to deliberately and repeatedly upset someone else.

Cyberbullying can consist of threats, harassment, embarrassment, humiliation, defamation or impersonation.

Cyberbullying may take the form of general insults, or prejudice-based bullying including hate crimes, for example homophobia, racism, sexism or other forms of discrimination.

There have been cases of school employees being cyberbullied by current or ex-pupils, parents and carers, and by colleagues, as well as by people who attempt to remain anonymous.

 There are reported cases of cyberbullying involving a wide range of technologies and services, including social networking sites, apps, email, instant messaging (IM),learning environments, games and by mobile phone.


All school staff  are aware of the different forms that cyberbullying can take, and the specific characteristics of cyberbullying?

The school will share a clear understanding of what cyberbullying is, and why it is not acceptable?

The school will support all staff in their duty to understand, prevent and respond to cyberbullying through policy, procedures, and regular training and development opportunities?

The school is familiar with the key laws and statutory guidance which relate to cyberbullying?

The school will effectively address the range of issues relating to bias and prejudice?

All incidents of cyberbullying will be investigated by the school SLT.

E safety policy.

Teaching_online_safety_in_school.pdf .pdf
E-Safety Policy October 2024.doc .doc

Computing Policy

Kilham_Computing_Policy.pdf .pdf

E-Safety at Kilham School


The purpose of this page is to give parents information about E-Safety.


A definition of E-Safety:

E-safety can be defined as being safe from risks to personal safety and wellbeing when using technology, including all fixed and mobile devices that allow access to the internet as well as those that are used to communicate electronically. This includes personal computers, laptops, mobile phones and gaming consoles.


The E-Safety Coordinator at Kilham CE Primary is Mr R Palmer, who can be contacted through the school office. Keeping our children safe on the internet and while using technology is a priority for our school. Elements of E-Safety are built into ICT lessons where opportunities arise, and there are several specific E-Safety ICT lessons which take place each term for all classes. To guide our teachers in this process, we use a scheme of work called Teach Computing, which includes specific E-Safety content. The children at Kilham Church of England Primary School are also taught E Safety as part of their Jigsaw PSHE unit Relationships


Our E-Safety Policy and updated 'Acceptable Use Policy' for pupils and staff are updated within school and available to view if required.


If you have any questions or issues regarding E-Safety please contact school.

A good starting point for parents and teachers is the Internet Matters website.


Below are the on-line safety tips for different ages of primary school age children.


Online safety tips for parents of pre-school children (0 to 5 year olds)

Online safety tips for parents of primary school children (6 to 10 years)

Online safety tips for parents of children aged 11-13

What is cyberbullying?


Cyberbullying is the use of technologies by an individual or by a group of people to deliberately and repeatedly upset someone else.

Cyberbullying can consist of threats, harassment, embarrassment, humiliation, defamation or impersonation.

Cyberbullying may take the form of general insults, or prejudice-based bullying including hate crimes, for example homophobia, racism, sexism or other forms of discrimination.

There have been cases of school employees being cyberbullied by current or ex-pupils, parents and carers, and by colleagues, as well as by people who attempt to remain anonymous.

 There are reported cases of cyberbullying involving a wide range of technologies and services, including social networking sites, apps, email, instant messaging (IM),learning environments, games and by mobile phone.


All school staff  are aware of the different forms that cyberbullying can take, and the specific characteristics of cyberbullying?

The school will share a clear understanding of what cyberbullying is, and why it is not acceptable?

The school will support all staff in their duty to understand, prevent and respond to cyberbullying through policy, procedures, and regular training and development opportunities?

The school is familiar with the key laws and statutory guidance which relate to cyberbullying?

The school will effectively address the range of issues relating to bias and prejudice?

All incidents of cyberbullying will be investigated by the school SLT.

E safety policy.

Teaching_online_safety_in_school.pdf .pdf
E-Safety Policy October 2024.doc .doc

Computing Policy

Kilham_Computing_Policy.pdf .pdf