Kilham Church of England Primary School
East Riding Local Offer - please click the icon below for further information about the East Riding Local Offer, or read on for more information about SEND at Kilham CE Primary School.
What are the contact details for your school?
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) |
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Governor |
Who should parents/ carers contact if they have a compliment, concern or complaint? |
Name |
Elaine Dean
Kirsty Baker |
Robert Palmer (Headteacher) |
Contact number |
01377 830392 |
Contact email | |
Address |
Kilham CE Primary School, Millside, Kilham, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 4SR |
What is the ETHOS of the school regarding Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)?
Kilham CE Primary school aims to provide the highest possible quality of education for all pupils. We aim to develop the whole child within a safe, caring, family atmosphere and with an emphasis on high expectations, personal achievement, and an enjoyment of life lived through Christian values of friendship, community, peace and trust. Working towards this mission statement, we aim to provide an inclusive atmosphere in which all individuals are valued equally.
All policies are available via 'Policies and Information'
including, Anti-bullying Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy, SEND Policy.
What is the standard admissions number? Our standard admissions number is 15
How many Children and Young People do you have on roll? We currently have 102 children on roll plus 10 nursery.
How many Children and Young People have SEND? There are currently 23 children on our SEND Register.
How many Children and Young People have a statement? We currently have 5 children with an EHCP.
How does our school:
Who are the best people to talk to in your school about a Child or Young Persons difficulties with learning/ Special Educational Needs or disability (SEND)?
In the first instance, Mrs Dean, our SENCO, is the best person to talk to.
What are the different types of support available for Children and Young People with SEND in school?
Support ranges from individual tuition, through small group interventions, to allocated support for whole class sessions, according to the individual’s needs. In certain cases, a Teaching Assistant is allocated to ‘shadow’ a child to support in all situations. Support can also take the form of access to specific resources, such as tablets, laptops and websites.
How will the school ensure ALL staff are aware and understand a Child or Young Person’s SEND?
Our present system for outlining a child’s needs includes the production of a ‘Learning Passport’ which outlines a child’s needs, targets and provision. These are shared with all school staff, particularly those who will be working with the child. Staff meeting time will be used to distribute any important information and regular discussions take place between staff members to ensure all are updated.
How will the school let a parent/carer know if they have any concerns about their Child or Young Person’s learning?
Our current systems for communicating with parents include parents' evenings twice a year and an annual written report. Our school circumstances allow us to have daily conversations with most parents if necessary, when any concerns can be shared at the earliest possible opportunity. Ongoing monitoring of a child’s progress, for example through a home-school reading record, may also be used as a line of communication. It is our intention that our relationships with parents and carers are open, honest and transparent – any issues will be communicated to parents and carers as soon as we are aware of them.
How is support allocated to Children and Young People?
Children with SEND are always taken into account when financial planning meetings take place to ensure resources are allocated appropriately. The headteacher and SENCO regularly assess all provision offered to SEND pupils, taking into account a range of factors; the number of support hours available, physical space available in school, the number of children who would benefit from a specific intervention etc. Provision maps on our ‘Learning Passports’ are updated accordingly.
How does support move between the key stages?
In our small school setting, transition between EYFS and Key Stage, and between Key Stage 1 and 2 involves regular discussion and more formal meetings to discuss individual children and moderate results. At the end of Key Stage 2, transition meetings between our SENCO and the receiving schools take place before the children leave. Kilham CE Primary School belongs to the Driffield and Wolds Partnership of Headteachers, which includes Driffield Secondary School, Kingsmill Special School and over 12 feeder primaries. The Headteachers meet every half-term and access to a range of resources to aid SEND provision is available through this forum. Communication through this forum leads the transition of Pupils with SEND within the cluster from one school to another.
Which other people and organisations provide services to Children and Young People with SEND in your school?
When necessary the school may draw upon the advice and expertise of professionals from a range of external agencies, including:
Specialist Learning Support Teachers
Special Educational Needs Support
Staff Educational Psychology and Behaviour Support Team (EPBST)
Educational Service for Hearing and Vision Speech and Language
Therapy Physiotherapy
Occupational Therapy
Education Welfare Officer
School Nurse
Multi - Agency Team (Family Support)
Education Service for the Physically Disabled (ESPD)
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
What training have staff received to support Children and Young People with SEND?
The SENCO attends regular ERYC briefings and forums to receive updates on all SEND matters. Two members of staff have received training on handling/restraint techniques, and one Teaching Assistant has trained as an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. Training to help cater for specific needs or individuals would be targeted as appropriate.
How will teaching be adapted for a Child or Young Person with SEND?
Children are supported in a manner that acknowledges their entitlement to share the same learning experiences as their peers. There are times when, to maximise learning, we ask children to work in small groups, or in a one-to-one situation outside the classroom. Classroom and individual support is provided and Support Staff ensure learning programmes are implemented, taking advice from the SENCO and a range of other sources. This might include any diagnostic testing information or advice from outside agencies or support services. Teachers will use a range of strategies to meet children’s Special Educational Needs. Lessons have clear learning objectives and assessment is used to inform the next stage of planning. Targets are given to support progress.
What support is available for parents/ carers of a Child or Young Person with SEND?
The class teacher and SENCO work closely with parents to plan an appropriate programme of intervention and support, in order to ensure that all pupils with SEND still access a full, broad and balanced curriculum. Parents are kept fully informed and involved at all levels of the special needs process. Kilham Primary School takes into account the wishes, feelings and knowledge of parents. We encourage parents to play an active and informed role in their child’s education. Parents of pupils on the SEN register and those who are at ‘School Concern’ are invited to a termly meeting to discuss the termly update of the children’s IEP (Pupil Passport). Parent Consultation Meetings are held in the autumn and spring terms, to share the progress of all children, with their parents. A written report in the summer term describes overall progress. The school informs parents of any proposed outside intervention and shares the process of decision-making by providing clear information, relating to educational need. A school booklet entitled - Parents’ Guide to Special Educational Needs is also available. School will also endeavour to provide signposts to relevant services and support to parents as appropriate.
How is the school’s physical environment accessible to Children and Young People with SEND?
We are committed to providing a fully accessible environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. The remodelling of the school enabled a major overhaul of accessibility issues. Facilities include disabled toilet facilities, ramp and path access for wheelchair use around school, suitable access points etc. A path from the public footpath to the gate at the side of the hall enable swheelchair access to the mobile classroom and to the school field. A new Foundation Stage unit was established in the former R/Y1 classroom with new toilets, floor coverings and doors installed.
What facilities are available for Children and Young People with SEND on the school site e.g. special quiet room, lunchtime club?
Kilham School does not have much spare space that is not in constant use – if the need occurs, quiet rooms and lunchtime clubs could be started as appropriate. It would be our intention that our current extra-curricular provision would be as inclusive as possible.
How will Children and Young People be supported during transitions? (when moving to another school or between classes/ groups in the school)
Communication through the regular forum of Driffield Headteachers leads the transition of Pupils with SEND within the cluster from one school to another. Communication with any other setting regarding the transition of pupils would obviously be a priority if such a transition was to occur. Extra transition visits are arranged to Driffield School on transfer from Key Stage 2, and to other schools as necessary, in addition to the usual transition activities. These are often accompanied by Teaching Assistants.